I'm having a problem with balance and I'm worried about falling. When my hip and knee arthritis start acting up, I can't put too much weight on that side. This changes the way I walk and I start to lose my balance more. How can I improve my balance when it's too painful to practice standing on one leg?

You ask a very good question and one that many adults with arthritis face every day. Sometimes poor balance leads to falls but many times arthritis sufferers can't avoid obstacles because they are too busy avoiding the painful limb.

The first step is to get control of your pain. You need a management program that may include good nutrition, exercise, and medication. Talk to your doctor about the right medications and nutrition for you. See a physical therapist for a strength-training program that includes exercises to improve your balance.

Once you have the pain under control you will be able to advance your balance training and exercise program. Practicing balance is helpful when you face sudden challenges or obstacles. Work toward managing things like getting in and out of the tub or walking on grass.

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