Neck pain is very common and has many causes. Pain anywhere between the base of the skull and the upper back is considered “neck pain.” The most common causes of neck pain are sprains, arthritis, and aging.
This report describes 34 patients with neck pain coming from the shoulder. This is called referred pain. Inflammation or pinching of soft tissues in the shoulder can refer pain to the neck. The pinching condition is called shoulder impingement.
Referred pain is caused by nerve fibers that overlap. Some of the nerves for the neck also go to the upper back and shoulder. The nerves can start at the same place and cross over or overlap one another. Pain messages for the shoulder are sent to the neck instead.
Three-fourths of the patients in this study had a history of a car accident. Forces from the collision may transfer from the hand on the steering wheel up the arm to the shoulder. Other forces from the seat belt across the shoulder can also cause shoulder injury.
Doctors found a successful way to treat this problem. Each patient received a steroid injection into the shoulder to see if it eased the neck pain. If so, it was considered a positive test. Patients would then be shown how to change their sleeping position. Sleeping with the arm overhead or with the hand under the pillow contributes to shoulder impingement. Placing the arm against the body inside a nightshirt or in a special sling reduces neck pain in the morning.
The authors conclude that chronic neck pain from the shoulder may be prevented. Patients with neck pain after a car accident may benefit from preventive shoulder therapy. Rehab starts with proper posture and positioning. In patients with neck pain during arm movements, up to two additional steroid injections into the shoulder may be used.