Pass the Peas, Please

Researchers keep coming up with more reasons to stock up on vegetables. Now they’re suggesting you use bags of frozen vegetables to treat pain and injury. Research shows that applying a bag of frozen peas can be just as effective as using one of the cold packs sold in stores–maybe even more effective.

Cold has long been used to treat pain and injury. This treatment is known as cryotherapy. Cryotherapy can reduce pain, muscle spasm, and inflammation.

Research shows that, compared to gel packs, frozen peas have a superior cooling effect on skin, even after 20 minutes. Frozen peas are solid but hold a lot of water. The water must melt before the peas warm up. This means the peas stay cold (32° F, the freezing point of water) until all the water has melted.

In comparison, gel packs begin to warm up as soon as they are placed on the body. Gel packs in this study didn’t lower skin temperature enough to give full pain relief, reduce muscle spasm, or slow down nerve messages.

Frozen gel packs may look official. But frozen peas cost less and provide greater relief–and they definitely taste better. So the next time you have pain or injury, reach for the peas.