Yesterday I had a steroid injection into my buttocks for piriformis syndrome. I feel find today but I’m wondering if there’s anything I shouldn’t be doing.

Patients usually are given written instructions after any procedure, including steroid injections for piriformis syndrome. If you have any paperwork from your doctor’s visit, reread it for any specific instructions.

If you cannot find any instructions, contact the doctor’s office where you had this prodecure done. Ask for a review of the instructions. If you have access to a fax machine, have the form faxed to you.

Some general guidelines include avoiding high-intensity activities for 24-hours. This includes walking, aerobic exercise, using a stationary (or other) bicycle, sports activities, and any activity that requires repetitive use of that leg.

Most often, patients are encouraged to participate in general movement activities around the house and to avoid inactivity. Hot tubs, baths, and showers are restricted for at least the first 24-hours. Each physician may have individual restrictions beyond that.

You may experience some soreness or even a flare-up of symptoms from the injection. Give yourself some time to recover before jumping right back into activities and exercise. Stretching (when advised by the physician) must be done slowly and gently to avoid irritating the nerve again.