Years ago my wrist and hand were smashed in a work accident. I have had lots of rehab and several surgeries. My wrist hurts constantly. I am thinking about having it fused. What do other patients say about the results of this operation?

Studies of long-term results from wrist fusion report the following:

  • More than half the patients still have some pain
  • Daily activities require some adaptation
  • The most difficult things to do are: wiping after toileting, using
    hand in small places, cutting food, lifting heavy objects overhead, writing

  • Grip strength is reduced by 20 percent compared to the other hand
    and wrist

  • It’s worth it to sacrifice wrist motion in order to decrease pain
  • It would be nice to have an operation that could restore motion
    without pain

    Like you, many patients had numerous operations and therapy before having a wrist fusion. Most were happy with the final results but say there’s no substitute for the real thing.