Why should glaucoma patients avoid lifting? Isn’t it safe if I’m careful? I always breathe out when I lift.

Lifting can raise the blood pressure in the veins of the head and eyes. This causes the pressure inside the eye to go up. This pressure is called the intra-ocular pressure (IOP). Glaucoma patients should also avoid any exercise with the head-down position for the same reason.

This guideline is really for lifting heavy weights after surgery for glaucoma. Patients are advised to avoid contact sports, heavy yard work, housework, and swimming. Lifting objects heavier than five pounds isn’t allowed for at least one to two weeks after the

Any activity that bumps or jostles the eye needs to be avoided after surgery. Patients are usually told to avoid bending, lifting, or straining for several weeks after the operation.

Ask your doctor to tell you what you can and can’t do. There is some variation from patient to patient. It’s best to find out from the one who knows your eyes and the specifics of the operation that was done.