Why is the back so vulnerable to being hurt?

Your back, which is made up of many parts, from the bones (vertebrae) that lie one on top of the other, the “gel” that lies between the bones (the discs), muscles, nerves, and so on, bears a very heavy load. It carries the weight of your body, must be able to turn in any direction you want it to, bear weight of items you are holding, and bend at will.

With so much pressure on your back, it’s no wonder that it can get hurt easily.

The most common injury is the slipped, or herniated, disc. This is also called a bulging disc. The gel that buffers the vertebrae, through injury, is forced from out between the bone and presses on the nerves that run along side the spine. This can cause severe pain.

Because people take their back for granted, it’s very easy for them to become injured.