Your spine is made up of many small pieces. Between the bones, ligaments, muscles, discs and other body tissues, there are many parts that can get injured and cause pain. Back injuries can happen from activities as simple as lifting an item that is too heavy, to just bending the wrong way to pick up a pencil. Other back injuries can be the result of traumatic events, like an accident or a fall. Infections or diseases, like arthritis, can cause back pain too.
The injury doesn’t have to be severe to very painful. A tight, tense back muscle can be very painful, as can a herniated disc. When a disc in your back breaks, the substance inside can leak out and press on the nerves, causing pain. This is called a herniated disc.
Because many people aren’t aware of good body mechanics, how to move your body safely to prevent injury, back injuries are common, particularly in certain types of jobs that are very active or require a lot of lifting and bending.