Why don’t more people make use of physical therapists? I’ve gotten the most help from them than anyone else for my back pain. And I’ve tried a lot of different people from acupuncturists to massage therapy.

According to a recent study physical therapists are sought out most often by women, patients with a higher socioeconomic status, and people in severe pain over a long period of time.

Women tend to seek medical care more often than men in general. Patients in lower socioeconomic groups may not be able to leave work to see a PT. They may not have transportation or insurance to pay for the services.

It’s not clear who can benefit most from the services of a physical therapist. PTs are actively engaged in research to help find out who should (or shouldn’t) receive physical therapy care.

One group from the University of North Carolina recently reported on the use of PT for neck and back pain. Keep your eye out for future reports in this area.