When I’m down at the Senior Citizen’s Center it seems everyone is getting medical information off the internet. I’m not “surfing savvy.” Am I missing something by just asking my doctor about my problems?

There are no standards for medical information on the internet. Even so millions of Americans are using the internet for health information. In fact many sites are commercially-based. Banners and pop-ups with products or services to sell will help you recognize these sites.

Studies are starting to come out rating web sites that offer information on medical problems. Medical doctors have reviewed carpal tunnel, lumbar disc herniation, and other orthopedic problems. They report the majority of sites have poor quality information.

It may be best to do some web surfing and then talk to your doctor. Look for non-commercial based information from a university, medical society, or medical doctor. Ask your doctor to tell you which sites can be trusted. Ask him or her to review information you’ve found on the internet.