What’s more important in the success of a hip replacement: age or attitude?

Good question. At least one study shows that motivated patients can have a rapid recovery after total hip replacement. That IS a matter of attitude. But the same study showed that younger patients were more motivated than older patients.

The same study pointed out that recovery may be faster and easier for patients of all ages if pain is managed after the operation. Some new ideas are being put forth to help reduce tissue trauma through pain management techniques.

For example, several different ways are used to help control pain. First a local numbing agent can be injected into the operative site and around the scar. Pain medications can be used after that to help the patient get up and moving.

The goal is to have no pain, walking without a limp at the end of six weeks. The patient can be walking one to two miles without support by the end of the three months.

Again, younger patients tend to meet these goals more often than older patients. A good attitude goes a long way in rehab at any age.