What does it mean when they say multidisciplinary treatment works for chronic back pain sufferers? I’ve had back pain for years. Maybe something like this would work for me.

The problem of chronic low back pain (LBP) is faced by many people each day. Finding a way to manage it is the goal of many research studies. Taking a look at studies done all over the world has shown us that many different therapies combined together may make the difference.

That’s what is referred to as a multidisciplinary approach. It starts with intensive physical exercises along with behavioral therapy. Cognitive and behavioral therapy helps patients change the way they think about and respond to pain.

Instruction to help educate patients is essential. Improving skills for coping psychologically and emotionally is also included. The goal is to increase function and activity even if pain levels don’t change. Many patients want to get back to work. This may be possible with work-related and vocational training.

Studies show that people seem to do better when they get instruction and education to help explain their back pain. A wide range of health care specialists are often involved in providing this information. There may be psychologists, physical therapists, orthopedic surgeons, and behavioral therapists on the team.

Ask your doctor for a referral to a pain clinic or other facility that offers a multidisciplinary approach. A wide range of therapies may help improve your pain and increase your functional abilities. The final result may be to reduce your level of disability.