What can I do about stiffness in my shoulders, knee, and hands? Seems like it’s worse in the mornings. It takes me a lot longer to get ready for work in the morning, but by the time I get to work I’m okay.

Joint and muscle stiffness is a natural part of aging. It can also be an early symptom of other medical conditions like osteoarthritis, lupus, or thyroid problems to name a few. It might be a good idea to have a physical check up, especially if you haven’t done this in a while.

If your stiffness is normal then a few simple guidelines may help. First stay hydrated. Drink plenty of water, clear liquids, or clear, fruit juices. Stay active. Regular exercise as simple as walking or biking done three or four times each week has been shown to help.

Consider trying a stretching class, yoga, Tai Chi, or other form of slow, rhythmic movement. It may take several months, but this type of exercise often helps maintain motion and may even restore motion lost over the last months and years.

Get to bed early enough at night to get up 15 to 20 minutes earlier in the morning. Try to do some gentle movements of the head, neck, shoulders, and hands while in the shower. After getting dressed, take an extra five minutes to do a little stretching, yoga, or Tai Chi.