What are mini-operations? I’ve heard these can be used for all kinds of surgeries.

You may be talking about minimally invasive operations. This means a smaller incision or opening is made during the surgery. There are many examples of this kind of procedure. There’s the arthroscopic meniscectomy. The surgoen takes out damaged knee
cartilage through a slender device inserted into the joint.

The arthroscope can also be used to repair many other problems from rotator cuff tears in the shoulder to lower leg bone fractures. Another device called the endoscope
allows the doctor to do a carpal tunnel release under the skin without making a big incision.

The appendix or gallbladder can be removed using a laparoscope. This tool allows the doctor to make small holes to enter and exit the abdomen. Spine surgery can also be
done using the mini approach. Surgeons remove disc material or fuse the vertebrae without using a big incision to open the back.

These are only a few examples of the new ways to do surgery with the smallest incision possible. As tools and technology get better we will probably see more of these minimally
invasive procedures.