We’re a little concerned about Grandma. She is now attending some kind of mindful meditation classes. She says they help her deal with her back pain. Is there any way this can really help her?

Mindfulness meditation is a well-known body-mind technique. It was first used for patients with chronic anxiety or pain back in 1979. It has since been studied closely and developed further.

Today, the Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Program (MBSR) is a well-respected program. It is often used for a variety of chronic pain conditions. And a recent study from the University of Pittsburgh showed that it can be very helpful with older adults.

The MBSR program has several steps that can be adapted to each patient. The techniques are taught while doing everyday activities such as sitting, walking, or lying down. Breathing exercises and focus on each area of the body from head to toe are taught.

Patients are trained to pay attention to the process without judgment. Learning how to let go and accept the pain are the first steps to acceptance of the pain experience while increasing activity and improving function.

Many patients find they are able to sleep better and use fewer drugs for sleep and pain control while actively practicing MBSR. There’s probably nothing to worry about with your grandmother. You might want to try a session or two yourself to better understand the concept.