We were just told that our 12-year old daughter has adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS). What kind of problems can we expect to face in the future with this condition?

AIS is a curvature of the spine. It occurs in teenagers and has no known cause. It may gradually get worse or it can stay the same from the time it’s diagnosed into adulthood.

Conservative care is usually with bracing and exercise. Sometimes electrical stimulation is used. More advanced curves may require surgery to stop the curve from getting worse.

During the teen years you may expect to see your daughter have some mild psychologic distress over this problem. This is to be expected. Physical appearances and changes are very stressful to the average teenager without scoliosis. Being self-conscious may lead to low-self esteem. She may refuse to participate in physical activities or sports.

Pain is usually not a problem or only a minor problem with mild curves. Physical disability doesn’t usually occur unless the curve is severe and doesn’t respond to treatment.