A very good question. You probably see some spiders during daylight hours but as your spider boards suggest — spiders are more often unseen house guests. Most prefer dark corners and try to avoid contact with humans.
Keeping the floors (and especially the corners and edges of rooms) swept clean or vacuumed is an important place to start. Dust, animal hair, and little piles of dirt attact spiders.
To keep spiders out of bed with you (or your child), don’t use a dust ruffle around the bottom of the bed. This just gives the spider a “leg up” so-to-speak. And don’t throw the sheets, blankets, or covers on the floor.
Never leave articles of clothing or shoes on the floor. That is an open invitation to a spider to make his or her home in a dark but warm environment. Before putting clothes or shoes on yourself or your children, shake them out and quickly look them over for any unwanted surprises.
Once your children start to dress themselves, teach them the same techniques. You’ll probably have to do it as a game to avoid scaring them. If you know the “Eensie weensie” spider song, it’s a good choice for explaining how spiders like to climb up things — like water spouts mentioned in the song and bedclothes hanging down.
If you have a serious spider infestation, it may be wise to contact a local pest control agent. Prevention by using sprays and chemicals is usually not a preferred solution with children in the home. But it is an option and can certainly help reduce the risk of spider bites. Your local county extension office is often a good place to start when looking for advise of this kind.