Our son is in the military and just reported he has a stress fracture of the talus bone in his foot. Will this result in a medical discharge?

Not likely. A stress fracture (sometimes only referred to as a stress reaction of the bone) usually heals nicely in four to six weeks. The outer covering of the bone called the cortex has a slight crack but the bone is still intact. There are no bone chips. The fracture line has not widened or opened up in any way.

Treatment is usually anti-inflammatory drugs and reduced weight-bearing. The patient uses crutches and keeps the weight off that foot. The patient doesn’t usually need a cast or brace of any kind.

Your son will probably have to interrupt his active military training until the bone has healed. About the time the X-ray or MRI shows healing has occurred, the patient’s pain has gone and he or she is ready to put more weight on the foot and increase activity level.

A additional period of time is allowed for gradual progression of weight-bearing and exercise to regain strength. Most military recruits with a stress fracture of the foot are back to full duty at the end of eight weeks.