Ticks are a problem during the early spring and summer months in Montana. But you are not likely to encounter deer ticks that transmit Lyme disease. Rocky Mountain spotted fever is a greater concern in the northwest region.
Whenever you are outdoors in areas where there are ticks, it’s a good idea to routinely practice tick prevention.The Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA) and the American Lyme Disease Foundtion (ALDF) advise using an insect repellent that contains diethyl-toluamide (DEET) on skin or clothing.
For those who prefer to remain chemical-free, there are other preventive steps that can be taken. Wear tightly woven, light-colored clothing. You’ll be more likely to see them if they get on you. Pull your socks up over your pant legs. Wear a hat to keep them out of your hair.
Ticks can drop down from trees so avoid sitting or standing under trees. It’s best to avoid sitting on the ground where there are leaves or other forest debris.
Check yourself and others often. Perform a full-body tick-check each night before going to bed. Ticks seek warm, moist areas so be sure to inspect hair, scalp, the groin area, and under the arms. If you have pets with you, inspect them as well. Be sure and check inside their ears.
Contact the Chamber of Commerce for the area you intend to visit. Ask whether ticks are active in their area and any precautions they may recommend.