Our eight-year-old daughter fell while skiing and broke the bottom of her humerus where it attaches into the elbow. The doctor says there may be some nerve damage but it should get better with time. What are the odds here? How likely is it that she has nerve damage and how many kids with this problem DO get better?

When it comes to injury and bone or tissue repair, the odds are in favor of most children. They heal faster and better than most adults.

Elbow fractures are common injuries leading to nerve damage. Up to 20 percent of all children with an elbow fracture also have nerve injury. Most are mild and heal without treatment in the first weeks to months after the injury. If the broken bone fragment is displaced or moves, then it can cut into the nerve. Surgery may be needed in cases like this.

Your pediatrician and orthopedic surgeon will keep a close eye on her for the next six months. If there is no sign of healing or healing is very slow, then an EMG and nerve conduction tests will be done.