Only one month after a lumbar disc herniation, I’m noticing weakness in my legs. What can I do about this?

Lumbar disc herniation occurs in the low back when the inner part of the disk (nucleus) pushes through its covering (the annulus). The nucleus can push against the spinal nerve root causing problems like numbness and tingling or muscle weakness.

Muscle wasting or atrophy is common in the low back muscles and legs with disc herniation. It can occur quickly. New research suggests that early exercise may be the key.

Muscles are made of two types of fibers: Type I and Type II. Both types are affected by disc herniation. The size, number, and direction of muscle fibers change in the multifidus muscle of the low back.

Two kinds of exercises are advised. The muscles must contract isometrically (without moving anything) and isotonically (muscle contracts and causes movement). A physical therapist can set you up with such a program.