One time I had a steroid injection for tennis elbow and it worked great. I had another injection for knee arthritis that didn’t work at all. Why is that?

There are many variables to consider when talking about steroid injections. First, there are many different drug formulations. Some work better than others. Some seem to be more effective for certain problems than others. For example a steroid solution called methylprednisolone works well for carpal tunnel syndrome.

Technique and accuracy also make a difference. Studies show that for joint pain and swelling, the injection must be delivered right into the joint for best results. If the injection misses and goes outside the joint, the benefits may be minimal.

Resting joints after injection seems to help, too. But some doctors tell their patients to go ahead and use the joint normally. This may not be sound advice based on some studies. More studies are needed to really understand how and why steroid injections work best. Then doctors can choose the right drug for each problem and get maximum results.