Ok, I’m grossed out. I heard that you could have a tapeworm set up residence in your body and form a cyst in the muscles. Please tell me that’s not true?

I’d love to tell you that it’s not true, but some parasites can get into the human body and set up residence. This happens in certain parts of the world where hygiene may make it easier for the parasites to affect humans.

One example is the tapeworm. As the tapeworm works its way through the body, it usually settles in the liver or lungs, although more rarely, it can settle just about anywhere else.

There are two ways of treating the cyst the tapeworm makes: medication and surgery. Some medications can kill the parasite and shrink the cyst. Surgery can remove it completely, however there is a risk of the cyst breaking open and causing an allergic reaction to the patient.

Once the cyst has been removed, usually antiparasitic medication is given for a while afterwards to prevent a reinfestation.