My wife is really starting to get on my back about exercising. I admit I’ve gained a few pounds in the last few years. But when the work day or work week is over, the last thing I want to do is go to the gym and work out. What do you suggest?

We all face the same dilemma. The U.S. Public Health Department advises regular, daily physical activity. They report that study after study shows the powerful benefits of moderately intense exercise done on a regular basis. The rates of disease and death go down as the level of exercise goes up.

There are many different strategies to help people increase their activity and fitness level. Everyone has to find what works best for him or her. Some of the more commonly suggested ideas include:

  • Go to the gym and work out early in the morning before work. Many people
    jokingly say this way they get it done before their body is awake and
    knows what’s happening.

  • Park your car as far away from the store or place of business where you are
    going and walk the rest of the way.

  • Take the stairs rather than the elevator.
  • Skip the after-dinner dessert and take a walk around the block instead.
  • Purchase a stationary bike and ride it while watching TV. Even pedalling
    slowly for one 30-minute show is an improvement over doing nothing.

  • Find a friend or partner to exercise with. This could even be at work during
    a lunch break. Spend 10 minutes walking, then eat a light lunch.

    Some people even suggest conducting business while taking a stroll rather than sitting down at a restaurant for drinks and a meal. Many business meetings take place on a golf course. Insist on walking instead of driving or riding in a golf cart.

    There are many other possibilities. Each person must find what works best for him or her. Make a commitment to do at least one thing each day to increase your activity level. Make it a regular habit, then either increase the time or add another activity to your daily routine.