What you are referring to is called the patient-provider interaction, which certainly is a part of why people feel better after massage. There’s no denying that simple, human touch has value and benefit. There’s also the placebo effect — the person expects to feel better and so he (or she) does feel better.
But massage does have a physiologic effect on the soft tissues such as skin, muscles, and tendons. Applied properly, massage can increase blood circulation to these structures and wash away toxins or byproducts of cellular metabolism.
The net effect is to reduce pain, restore normal movement, and facilitate relaxation. Total body relaxation has the ability to reduce stress hormones and improve a sense of well-being. Most of these benefits can be derived to some degree through exercise and general movement. Yoga, Tai Chi, Qi Gong, acupuncture, and traditional aerobic exercise has similar effects but certainly doesn’t feel as nice or as soothing.
It’s likely that if people spent any amount of time in self-care through diet, staying hydrated, and engaging in exercise, there would be improved health benefits. Adding a massage in there can’t hurt and there’s evidence it will likely help in many ways.