My mother was told that she should lie in bed a certain way after her hip replacement. Why is that?

After patients have hip surgery, there are some positions that they must avoid for a while and others that are most comfortable and will help the hip heal properly. As a result, a physiotherapy regimen is important so patients and families can learn what the patient should and should not do.

Immediately after surgery and for a set amount of time, patients should not bend their hip more than 90 degrees. Patients should not cross their legs while sitting, recline with their legs at more than 90 degrees, or pivot their hip outwards or inwards. When lying in bed, the hip can twist if a patient is lying on the side. This happens as the knee tries to rest on the mattress.

When lying in bed after hip surgery, if lying on the side, a pillow should be placed under the “higher” leg to rest on, so the hip stays straight and in line with the body.