Dermatomyositis is a muscle condition characterized by muscle weakness of unknown cause accompanied by the type of skin changes you just described. Medical therapy begins with antiinflammatory drugs (e.g., corticosteroids) to reduce inflammation.
If one drug doesn’t work, it may be necessary to combine several drugs together to get the intended result. If you don’t see the “turn around” expected, don’t hesitate to encourage your mother to return to her doctor for a re-evaluation.
Exercise (aerobic or cardio and strength training) is a key feature of treatment. Exercise will NOT make the disease worse and has been shown to make things much better. Exercise will help keep the weakness from getting worse rapidly. It’s still likely that strength will continue to decline but it will happen at a much slower pace.
Physical activity and exercise are also important in keeping the joints moving and preventing muscle and joint contractures (soft tissues get stuck on one position and can’t stretch or move). Patients must be educated to understand that exercise has its own anti-inflammatory effects and should be a part of each day.
Whatever you can do as a family to help your mother get started (and keep going) on an exercise program would be very beneficial. A physical therapist can help her find a suitable baseline that won’t make things worse. The therapist will guide her through a gradual progression that will include strength training, balance training (to prevent falls), and cardio conditioning.
She will be able to do much on her own at home. But if she’s not self-motivated, it may be better to seek out a membership in a health club, gym, YMCA, or similar work-out place that would provide the socialization, support, and encouragement she needs.