My mom has bad lower back pain and wants to go for acupuncture. I don’t know if I believe in it. How does sticking a needle in her body help get rid of pain?

Scientists and doctors don’t know how or why acupuncture works, despite many studies. There are many theories, however. One theory, for example, is that the insertion of several needles in specific points in the body disrupts the pain messages that are sent to the brain. Another study is that the needles help stimulate the blood flow around the painful areas.

The idea of acupuncture, according to its origins, is that the human body has an energy flow. It’s believed that when this flow is disrupted, we become sick or develop some sort of pain. The energy flows through the body through pathways called meridians. There are certain points along the meridians called qi, and it is at these spots that the needles are inserted. By doing this, it is thought that the natural energy is then realigned and flows properly again.