Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) from severe emphysema or asthma can be very debilitating. And like in your husband’s case, the disease process can be variable. The good news is that studies have shown disability from chronic health problems like COPD can be reversed. The transition to disability can take place quickly. Recovery occurs at a much slower pace.
But the idea that disability is a dynamic process with stages and transition phases in between is a relatively new finding. Identifying these phases has helped us see that people can move in and out of disability states. There are patterns of short-term disability among people with chronic diseases like COPD, heart disease, diabetes, stroke, or hip fracture.
Recovery within a year from the start of the disabling episode is possible if the person is not too frail or too disabled. Those who are in the most severe phase of disability have a smaller chance of recovery compared to people in early stages of disability. Pain and obesity are two risk factors that can slow or delay the process of regaining strength and function.
The most demanding tasks tend to go first. Changing body position (getting in and out of bed, chair, or car) is the first mobility function to be compromised. Physical tasks (cooking, cleaning, self-care) become limited much faster than cognitive function (paying bills, making phone calls).
Physical medicine and rehabilitation experts such as physical and occupational therapists can offer treatment to help your husband regain function and prevent further decline. If you have had hospice, then you are probably familiar with home health services. If your husband is mobile enough to walk and ride in the car, then outpatient services are available. If not, then the home health agency nearest you can provide this type of therapy.