My husband has a chance to try a space-age device called a lower body positive- pressure (LBPP) chamber. It’s supposed to take the pressure of gravity off the legs while walking. I’m concerned because he has a significant heart history. Is it safe to use a machine like this for a 62-year-old man with a heart condition?

It’s not clear what circumstances surround your husband’s use of the LBPP chamber. Is he part of a study held by doctors? Will he be evaluated before, during, and after using this device?

The LBPP chamber was designed for use with astronauts in weightless conditions. It takes
the workload off the lower half of the body. Under this kind of exercise, the heart rate
goes down. The result is less demand or workload on the heart.

The pressure around the legs inside the chamber helps the blood flow back to the heart.
This also reduces stress on the heart. This type of exercise unit could actually be a
very good device for older adults who are severely deconditioned or who have heart