My grandfather used to complain of “lumbago,” which I understand is just low back pain. I remember my father having low back pain off and on his whole life. Neither one of them had found much that made them feel better. How do they treat back pain these days?

Research is ongoing into the area of low back pain. So many people are affected by it each year, it’s become a major focus of researchers around the world. Finding specific solutions to the problem hasn’t happened yet. But there’s been some good progress.

We know more about what doesn’t help back pain. That’s an important start. There’s no sense in wasting time and money on treatments that really don’t make a difference. As a result of poor results using traditional treatment, many back pain sufferers are seeking alternative options.

Treatment such as acupuncture, massage, and manual therapy/manipulation are becoming more popular. And there are some studies that support the use of these new therapies. Future research will focus on who responds to each type of treatment modality. It’s possible that certain groups of back pain patients get better faster with one type of treatment over another.

For now, we are seeing a shift in how health care professionals view back pain patients. Consideration is being given to the psychologic, social, and emotional factors linked with back pain. Patient beliefs, coping stategies, and emotional reactions are part of the new model of treatment for back pain. Taking a broader approach to this problem may lead us to new and improved treatment methods.