Wounds that fail to heal in the feet of patients with diabetes are a serious problem. Treatment begins with prevention. Daily inspection of the feet is essential. When even the smallest problem shows up, patients are advised to contact their doctor or other health care provider.
Quick and early intervention can sometimes make the difference between saving and losing toes and limbs. But even early and appropriate wound care can fail. Patients who smoke are more likely to experience delayed wound healing.
Those individuals who have loss of sensation called diabetic neuropathy are also at increased risk of wounds that don’t heal. The patient may not feel the sore until it has become infected or deep. Treatment takes much longer in these cases. A positive result can also be prevented by the presence of poor circulation, a common problem in this patient population.
Amputation is suggested for one of the following five reasons:
Believe it or not, sometimes losing a toe can save a foot. Chances for healing are greater in some patients if an infected toe is removed before the whole foot is affected. Losing a smaller part of the limb may help preserve function of the larger body part.
You are right to be concerned. Ask your father for permission to contact the doctor. It may help you plan appropriately if you know all the circumstances of the case, and why this decision has been made. It’s also possible that with more family support, there are other options that can be considered before amputation.