My father complains about hip pain all the time but refuses to have a hip replacement. His wife (my stepmother) keeps pushing him to get it done. Is that such a good idea? If he doesn’t want it, he probably won’t be a very cooperative patient either.

Patient compliance is an important factor in the success of hip joint replacement. There is a certain amount of post-operative pain to deal with. An aggressive rehab program is needed for a successful outcome.

But many patients find that the post-op pain is different and even easier to deal with than the pain they experienced before surgery. They feel better and are more willing to move. As a result, they automatically become more compliant and cooperative.

The newer surgical techniques for hip replacement also help speed up recovery. Smaller incisions, less damage to the soft tissues, and less time to complete the surgery are all possible now.

And patients aren’t held back from what they want to do. They are told not to treat the hip as if it might break. They are free to put weight on that leg. They can get rid of any walking aids (canes, crutches, walker) whenever they feel ready to do so.

Each patient must make his or her own decision about the timing of joint replacement surgery. Educating patients about what to expect can help overcome fear-based hurdles. Success rates are high and complications low with experienced surgeons.