My doctor gave me a pedometer with my new hip implant but didn’t say anything (that I can remember) about how long to use it? What do you suggest?

That’s a great idea since implant wear is based on amount of use, not how long you’ve had it. It makes sense that the more you use it, the more accurate it will be. For patients who don’t want to be bothered to wear it everyday or who forget to put it on, here’s some help.

A recent study at the Joint Replacement Institute in Los Angeles, California suggests a four-day sample. Put the pedometer on when you get up in the morning and don’t take it off until you go to bed. The four-day activity sample is at least as accurate as a seven-day sample would be.

What this doesn’t show is any changes that may occur as the seasons change or should you go on a trip or change your daily routine. It also doesn’t really measure how strenuous your activity is either. For example walking 50 steps to the bathroom and back isn’t the same as climbing 50 stairs or walking uphill.