My doctor found a ganglion cyst in my knee. It’s called a tibiofibular ganglion cyst. Should I have this removed?

Many people with ganglion cysts are never aware of them and they cause no problems. In a small number of patients, tenderness along the joint line or pain with movement may bring this to their attention.

The tibiofibular joint is just below the knee. The two bones of the lower leg (tibia and fibula) meet at this joint. A ganglion cyst in this area can cause mild discomfort or pain along the outside of the knee.

However, it can also put pressure on the peroneal nerve to the foot. This can lead to a condition called foot drop. The nerve damage can be permanent. Ganglion cysts may invade and damage the bone. Many doctors adopt a “wait-and-see” approach to this problem. At the earliest sign of problems, surgery is advised.