My 77-year old mother just got out of the hospital after collapsing from dehydration and heart problems. She hasn’t been home two days and she’s already making herself go up and down stairs, carrying laundry up two flights, and rearranging things on her kitchen shelves. We think this is too much but can’t seem to convince her to slow down. Is she in any danger from overdoing it?

This would be a good question to pose to her doctor. He or she can look at her lab values and tell you what level of activity and exercise she should be able to do safely. If everything is normal, then activity is probably a good thing. Studies clearly show the benefits of exercise and movement at all ages.

At age 77, a hospitalization or disabling condition can really set a person back. A loss of function can mean less independence. Most people see this as a decrease in the quality of their lives.

A recent study of healthy older women showed there is promise that a functional exercise program like your mother is doing can help prevent loss of strength in the legs. If your mother’s daily activities involve going up and down stairs, then keeping up her leg strength by doing those activities is important.

She should be told to let her doctor know if she’s having any shortness of breath, chest pain, or dizziness during activity or at rest. Unusual fatigue is also a warning symptom to report. If the doctor says she is safe to engage in activity at her level of tolerance then she can increase her activity as she is able.