My 75-year old father was just put on a diuretic for high blood pressure. The package warns to watch for dehydration as a possible side effect. What should we look for?

Dehydration is a loss of body fluid. The person may or may not have symptoms at first. If the dehydration gets worse, there may be dizziness, weakness, or confusion. The affected person may complain of being flushed or too warm.

A sudden drop in blood pressure is also related to dehydration. This is called orthostatic hypotension. It occurs most often when the person is changing positions. For example, moving from sitting to standing may cause sudden dizziness and even fainting. Hypotension is a common cause of falls in the older adult.

If your father experiences any of these symptoms, contact the doctor for advice. Sometimes, the dosage of the new medication is changed, or a new medication is tried.