Mother is a very strong church member. She goes to services everyday but can’t kneel because she’s had a partial knee replacement. We thought with this new device, she was going to be able to resume some of her activities like church and gardening. Were we misled?

Not necessarily. If the surgeon approved kneeling, she just may need a little help getting started. Kneeling is not possible with all implants. At least one study has shown it is okay to kneel with the Oxford® Partial Knee Replacement from Biomet Orthopedics. This partial knee implant was first approved for use in the United States by the Food and Drug Administration in 2004. Since then, it has become increasingly more popular.

It is designed to repair only the medial side of the knee (side closest to the other knee). About one in four patients with osteoarthritis have limited knee arthritis, known as medial compartment arthritis. A partial knee replacement replaces only one side of the knee joint. A total knee replacement removes all the knee joint surfaces.

Some advantages of the Oxford® partial knee replacement are that it removes 75 per cent less bone and cartilage than a total knee replacement. The implant is much smaller than a total knee implant. And the knee is less painful afterwards making recovery much faster.

By keeping all of the undamaged parts, the joint may bend and function more naturally compared to a total knee replacement. In theory, kneeling should be possible when it might not be allowed with other types of implants.

Many patients need a little help learning how to do this activity. If they have arthritis in other joints, a soft pad placed under the knees helps. Using the arms to support and guide the body down into the kneeling position is one other technique that helps. Patients are cautioned to put weight on both knees at the same time.

If you do not feel comfortable helping her regain this valuable skill, then consider making one or two appointments with the physical therapist. Education and supervised intervention after a partial knee replacement can make a difference. Practice kneeling (getting down and getting up) under the guidance of a physical therapist is very helpful in restoring this valuable skill.