Early diagnosis and treatment for rheumatoid arthritis (RA) can make all the difference these days. Preventing joint erosion preserves function and limits disability. X-rays do not show the early changes that can occur in the soft tissues around the joint and synovial cartilage inside the joint.
MRIs and ultrasound studies may be more advantageous. Although these imaging tests are more expensive than X-rays, they don’t expose you to any ionizing radiation, and they show early signs of structural changes.
There are some blood tests that can be helpful. Rheumatoid factor (RF) has been relied upon for many years. The presence of RF early on does predict joint damage later in the disease. Most patients have some clinical signs and symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis before there’s a positive RF.
Antibodies against cyclic citrullinated peptide (CCP) occur in the blood before any clinical signs of the disease. This may be the earliest predictive sign available. Some genetic markers such as HLA-DR4/DR1 associated with rheumatoid arthritis may also show a predisposition to this condition.
Many diagnostic tests are available now. Check with your physician to find out which one(s) (if any) are needed. A baseline study may help put your fears to rest. And the results of early tests can be used as a baseline later should any changes come about.