I’ve heard there are certain words people use to describe back pain that’s really an emotional response to their problem. If I said my pain is “extremely bothersome” would I fall into that group?

Not likely. In fact saying painful symptoms are slightly, moderately, or severely bothersome is a useful way to classify low back pain.

Words that point to an emotional response to pain include “killing,” “miserable,” or “torturing.” “Cruel,” “punishing,” and “unbearable” are other words that might be used to
describe an emotional response to a disease, injury, or illness.

Doctors listen carefully when patients talk about painful symptoms. Words like “throbbing” or “pounding” often describe vascular pain. “Burning,” “shooting,” or “stabbing” pain may point to nerve pain.

“Bothersome” has been shown to be a good word to predict future results. In a recent study of back pain patients 80 percent of the adults who said they had “extremely bothersome” pain were disabled six months later. Early treatment might make a difference
when patients are identified at the first exam with “bothersome” pain.