I’ve heard that the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like ibuprofen and Feldene can cause more than just stomach problems. I take these drugs for my arthritis. What else should I be watching for?

As you have noted, the most common side effects of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are heartburn, stomach pain, and stomach ulcers. The ulcers can lead to bleeding and anemia. Besides GI problems NSAIDs can affect the kidneys and nervous system.

NSAIDs can cause sodium retention and the blood vessels to get narrower or vasoconstrict. These two things together lead to edema. Blood pressure goes up. Over time kidney damage can occur. Muscle weakness, numbness in the feet and legs, and restless legs syndrome are signs of kidney problems. Kidney failure is even possible.

Confusion may be the first sign of nervous system involvement. Older adults are at greatest risk for this side effect. Memory loss can also occur.

Skin problems can occur with long-term use of NSAIDs. The skin may be very sensitive to light and react with a rash. Skin and the soft tissues underneath don’t heal as well when the patient is taking NSAIDs.

Don’t hesitate to call your doctor if you have any signs or symptoms that concern you. You may just need a change in the dose of your drug. Or another drug may be better for you.