More and more studies on the health benefits of Tai Chi are coming out every day. Tai Chi is an ancient Chinese martial art. It is a form of moving meditation. Soft, flowing movements are done in order and with precision.
Chi refers to energy. Tai Chi allows the energy to move the muscles, bones and tendons in slow, co-ordinated movements. The body is never pushed to its own physical limitations or extremes.
There are very few studies done just on the use of Tai Chi just with fibromyalgia. An uncontrolled study of fibromyalgia patients before and after Tai Chi has shown improvements in mood, physical function, pain, and fatigue.
Uncontrolled means there was only one group of participants. They all had fibromyalgia. They all did Tai Chi. In a controlled study there would be a second group who don’t do Tai Chi. These two groups are needed for a comparison of results.