I’ve had tennis elbow twice in the last two years. I call it “tuba elbow.” I get it whenever I have to carry my tuba in its case for very far. What’s the best way to get over this problem?

Most people with tennis (tuba) elbow are treated by their doctors. Rest, ice, and medications are the first line of treatment. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and steroid injections are the drugs used most often. Physical therapy for exercises, stretching, and splinting may be advised.

Studies are starting to show results aren’t better after splinting. In fact, patients who are splinted have higher rates of limited duty and more medical costs.

Though it may seem like lifting and carrying your tuba is what brings on the symptoms, it may be that pain occurs with the activity only after the condition got started. Some doctors think using the arm will actually lead to a more rapid recovery.

If you have to transport the tuba around a lot, you may want to think about getting a wheeled cart for it. Tuba cases with wheels can also be purchased.