I’ve been training for gymnastics with a strong focus on “core training.” Now I’ve heard a fitness guru say there’s no such thing as a “core” to train. Just what is the core and does training make a difference?

Many, many studies have been done to define the “core” and show how it can be impacted by exercise. We know for sure there are three key muscles involved. The core includes: the abdominal muscles (in particular the transverse abdominis), the deep muscles of the spine (multifidus), and the hip flexors (iliopsoas muscle).

Taking a step back and looking at the body as a whole, the core is made up of the lumbar spine, the pelvis, and the hip joints. This area is also called the lumbopelvic-hip complex. Any of the structures that cause or prevent motion in these areas is part of the “core.”

Core training makes it possible for the spine to keep or regain its normal position no matter what happens. Your core training makes it possible for you to do back bends and flips across the floor and still stand up straight at the end without injury.