I’ve been taking a cholesterol-lowering drug. I’ve heard these drugs can cause a serious muscle condition. How common is this?

A rare muscle condition called rhabdomyolysis was linked to Baycol, a cholesterol-lowering statin. Most cases occurred when patients were taking a combination of two or more different drugs. Rhabdomyolysis is a rare problem. About 100 deaths and 1,600 injuries were reported worldwide. This drug has been removed from the market.

Rhabdomyolysis causes muscle cells to break down, allowing their contents to flow into the blood. Mild cases can cause severe pain and muscle weakness. Serious cases can shut down the kidneys and cause death.

Currently, there is no test to see who might be at risk for this muscle condition. Patients taking statins to reduce cholesterol are advised to watch for muscle pain, weakness, and change in urine color. If any of these symptoms occur, stop taking the drug and call your doctor right away.