I’ve been struggling with low back pain off and on now for three years. I think I’m doing better but it seems like there’s always some new program or new drug to try. Is it better to stick with one thing that seems to be working? Or should I just try everything all at one time and hope for the best?

When dealing with chronic pain, it is tempting to try any new idea or treatment that comes along. But if you have found something that is working, it might be best to continue with that while slowly adding one other treatment at a time.

Using a combination of ideas won’t necessarily help you understand what works best for you. Studies show that when it comes to chronic back pain, doing something (anything) is better than doing nothing. But doing everything at once isn’t always better than consistently following a single approach.

If you are experiencing increased back pain or boredom with the program, then it may be time to look for another treatment idea. Other medical problems and psychosocial problems can get in the way and set you back. It’s important to keep going even when improvements seem small and progress is slow.