I’ve been going to a physical therapy clinic for rehab after an ACL repair. There’s a group of us who had our surgeries around the same time. I notice some people can do much more than others after the same amount of time. Why the difference?

There may be several factors here. The type of graft and surgical repair can make a difference. Complications and older age can hold some people back. The biggest difference may be in compliance.

Studies show that as patients heal and recover, they are less likely to do their exercises. After three months only half the patients are still doing their exercises. Young, active, or aggressive patients who stick with the program seem to recover function and return to normal activities the fastest.

Keeping a log or diary of exercise may help boost compliance. Goals should be written down and revised as each one is met. Number of exercise sets, repetitions, and sessions can be recorded. This gives patients a sense of accomplishment and can help them move along faster. Patients working with a physical therapist or athletic trainer can have the rehab specialist review the log on a weekly basis and advance the program.