I’ve been a baseball fan for years. Is it my imagination, or are more players out of the game due to injuries now than ever before?

According to a recent study, you’re not imagining things. Researchers looked at injuries in Major League Baseball between 1989 and 1999. Results showed that the number of injuries has actually increased over time. And these injuries tend to keep players out of the game longer.

Why the increase? There are several possibilities. One is that sports medicine isn’t working as well as expected. Or maybe some kinds of injuries have decreased while others are still on the rise.

A few other changes also merit consideration. For instance, players who would have already retired in the old days are still playing the game. These athletes may be more prone to injury. Also, players with severe injuries may be returning to the sport more quickly, with a higher risk of re-injury.

More research is needed to learn about the increase in baseball injuries and what to do about it.