I’ve always had excellent health and no back problems. Everyone else at work had back pain but not me. Now I’ve had some unexpected back pain myself. I’m freaked out that I won’t get better. Is there any way to tell who will or won’t get over it?

Predicting a person’s outcome without a crystal ball is never easy. But a recent study of neck and shoulder pain offered the following insights.

  • Patients who have never had back pain before have a better chance of recovery.
  • Patients in good to excellent health are more likely to have a good outcome.
  • Waiting more than a month to get help with back pain is linked with a poorer prognosis.
  • More severe symptoms with numbness and tingling decrease the chances of recovery.

    Psychologic factors are as important in recovery as physical factors. Worrying won’t help. In fact, worrying can slow down and even halt your return to normal. A positive attitude goes a long way in a situation like yours.