There is much hope on the horizon. Even now new agents that target various aspects of the disease process are under investigation. Drug companies are striving to find medications that are effective without so many side effects.
Doctors are always trying to find a medication or combination of drugs that give the patient the benefit of the drug(s) without so many adverse responses.
The idea of tolerable side effects will eventually be replaced by drugs with no side effects. Right now, many people have to put up with mild to moderate symptoms in order to get the positive benefit for their arthritis.
Be assured that new biologic therapies are in clinical trials. There are also more drugs in the early stages of development. In the meantime, rheumatologists advise patients to be patient with the trial and error process needed to find the right mix of medications.
Sometimes it can take several years or more. The use of more than one medication at a time does work better than monotherapy (single drug use). The use of triple disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs) is effective and not more toxic than monotherapy.